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Award-Winning Collision Repair in Aliquippa, PA

Award-Winning Collision Repair in Aliquippa, PA

Award-Winning Collision Repair in Aliquippa, PA

Comprehensive Auto Body Repair Services for Cars & Trucks

Grossi & Associates, Inc is a family-owned and operated collision repair business in Aliquippa, PA dedicated to high-quality repairs and exceptional customer service. We’re proud to be the recipient of the “Best of the Valley Award” for multiple years since our start in 1980. Our professionally trained team has helped drivers get back on the road safely with auto body repairs, vehicle painting, and auto accessories restoring vehicles to like-new condition. We use state-of-the-art technology and offer free estimates with computerized digital imaging for the most precise quotes.

office street view

Schedule a Free Estimate for Expert Collision Repair

Grossi & Associates, Inc is designated as I-Car Gold Class Professionals ensuring that we follow the OEM procedures and best practices for auto body repair using the latest technology and tools. Contact our team to schedule your free collision repair estimate today. We stand behind all of our work and look forward to serving you!



Fall has arrived and that means its deer season. Deer and other critters are on the move, preparing for winter by mating, eating and storing food. As a result, fall is also the season when the rate of vehicle-animal accidents are at their highest. Not only deer, but small animals such as squirrels and raccoons that suddenly dart in the road can startle a motorist, causing an unsafe reaction. Here are a few tips to keep you safe:

  • Dawn, dusk and darkness are the times of greatest animal migrations. Drive cautiously during these
  • Be wary of other drivers. Motorist coming towards you may swerve into your lane if an animal suddenly appears on the
  • If you cannot slow down or stop in your lane in time, it is usually safer to hit an animal than to take evasive

Hitting animals while driving is not the only damage they can cause. Fall is nesting time for rodents who are looking for a warm spot. Unfortunately, your vehicle’s heating and ventilation (HVAC) system makes an attractive home. You’d be surprise at how much damage can be done in a single night. To avoid this problem, always close the outside vent on your HVAC before turning off your car. On most vehicles, this means choosing the “re-circulate” setting instead of the “fresh air” setting on your control panel.

With fall comes leaves. Lots of leaves! As they die, acidic sap, pollens and other substances are released. If allowed to sit on the surface of automotive paint, they can quickly eat into the clear coat and cause stains and other surface defects. Play it safe and follow these tips to protect your paint:

  • Keep your vehicle
  • Avoid parking under trees.
  • Clean off leaves ASAP.
  • Consider using a car

Grossi & Associates is dedicated to providing quality repairs and a premium customer satisfaction experience. Thank you for your loyalty and referrals. We look forward to serving your automotive needs and value your business.

Mission Statement

Grossi & Associates, Inc. is committed to providing quality collision repairs with first class customer service. Being a family owned and operated business drives our values of teamwork, ethics and dedication to our customers, employees, and community. We aim to exceed customer expectations which creates a genuine customer experience by proactively satisfying their needs.

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Grossi & Associates, Inc.

3114 Brodhead Road
Aliquippa, PA 15001



Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

3114 Brodhead Rd, Aliquippa, PA 15001, USA